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Purple Poppy Day

National Army Museum, State Highway One &, Hassett Drive, Waiouru | 24 Feb 25

On Purple Poppy Day, 24 February each year, the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa remembers and honours the animals that have served (and still do serve) in war and conflict.

Purple Poppy Day 2025 - Visit Ruapehu.jpg

This Purple Poppy Day, Monday 24 February 2025, the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa is holding a moving memorial service that celebrates the extraordinary animals who have served our nation. This year, we will also be presenting a special award (AWAMO Animal Distinguished Service Award) recognising the heroic service of Chuck and Yardley, brave dogs who deployed to Afghanistan, embodying the true spirit of courage. There will also be military working dogs from both Linton and Ohakea in attendance.

This is a free service, starting at 11am outside the Museum at our War Animal Memorial. All are welcome, come rain or shine. 

For more information head here.